
Showing posts from April, 2018

10 Types Of Teachers/Lecturers In Class

1: SeriouSir Don't try making any noise in these ones class else, they will mess you up. You never see them smile. They are always looking firm and serious. Even that little jokes that some teachers crack, these ones don't just do it. They can also send student's out. Any slight mistake and the next thing you hear is 'Leave my class! We hear you sir! 2: Comedians You can't attend these ones class without laughing. They are the complete opposite of the SeriouSir's. They teach for 5 minutes and crack jokes for 15 minutes. I got you!!! 3: Listen Please Listen please! Yes, that is their most favourite line to get the students attention. Unfortunately it doesn't work out for them most times. The student's just don't listen to these ones when they are in class. Their routine is to just come into class, talk to themselves while the students are busy making noise, and leave without making any impact. Let's just help them with our prayers. They nee...

14 Types of Students in Test/Exams

No long story, let's just go check out those folks that make the examination or test hall what it is. 1: Crammers Don’t even bother talking to these ones because they won’t answer you. All they want to do is enter that hall and pour down all the load they are holding on to in their brain. They are first class members of La-cram La-pour La- forget. We hail you 2: Double agents You will think these ones have not read anything. They will engage in different conversations on that day. Meanwhile they have read the previous night. Don't worry, we are watching from the high places 3: Devil’s apparitions We all know the ones that reveal their evil side on the D-day. They don’t read and they don’t want others to. They will disturb you and even snatch your book calling it play if you don’t answer them. I'll just smack the living f*** outta you. Are you alright? 4: Zombies You will never see these ones in class only on the day of test/exam. Most times they ...

10 Types of Group Members in Group Works

So we all know that group work is a form of voluntary association of members benefiting from cooperative learning, that enhances the total output of something than when done individually. Anyways not everyone is there to enhance anything. Lets check out the different people we have in a group work.  1: The Workaholics These are the honest ones. Or I will say they have no choice than to do it instead of failing with the unserious ones. They spend day and night trying their best for the group. 2: The Busy Bees  These ones are so predictable. Do you have any time after class? Nope. Do you have time on the weekends? Nope. Do you have any time that is inconvenient for everyone else in the group? Still Nope. They are just never available.  3: Lost souls These ones are the complete opposite of the workaholics. They don’t even know that the group exist. They are the ones that give their family story to gain sympathy when the day of presentation is approachi...

10 Types of Students during E-test/exam in FutMinna.

So we got a tip that you cannot possibly attend FUTminna without experiencing what goes on at the convocation square during the Electronic-test/exam. We decided to make a thread on it. Check it out. 1: Shunters_ these ones just had to come first. They are the ones that give the security officers tough time. They can never go to the convocation square where everyone else is lining up. They will hang by the car park, trees, water tanks etc. and wait to sneak into line when others are matching towards the E-center. Lets just keep them in our prayers because it is hard for them to repent. 2: The beggars_ these are the ones that are always begging. Every day when they come they either beg to enter the convocation square in the first place, beg for seat, beg security officers after committing an offence etc. These ones sha must be in trouble one way or the other.   3: Latecomers_ these ones never come early. You will always see them begging the security officials to let them in...

7 Types of Students In Nigerian Libraries

7 Types of Student in Nigerian Libraries. A library is a collection of sources of information and similar resources made accessible for reference or borrowing to the public. It provides a quiet area for studying. However, some people go there for something other than having a quiet place to study.  Let's check them out. 1: Readometers These ones are almost always in the library reading. You will think it is their home. They even know some of the librarians and have permanent seats. They can pack books up and down. We hail you. 2: Disturbometers They are the direct opposite of the Readometers. They come into the library for the sole aim of disturbing others. They can walk up and down the library chewing gum and craning their neck to see what others are doing. Continue. 3: Foodios These ones are kind of spiritual. You never see them come in with any food, but once they sit on that chair snacks appear from different angles.  Wait, how do you just do it? 4: ...

10 Types of Nigerian Taxi Drivers You Have Come Across At Least Once In Your Lifetime

10 Types of Nigerian Taxi Drivers You Have Come Across At Least Once In Your Lifetime. Taxi drivers are people that we come across everyday. They are among the first people one meet when visiting a new place. Befriending them could be a smart thing to do. However, their are certain personality types one need to be aware of. 1: Rickety ambassadors_ their car is always dirty, smelly and skeletal. It is always in bad shape. Don’t pray that you enter potholes else you’ll end up with body aches after riding in them. 2: Fuel scarcity_ these ones are always short of fuel. You all end up visiting almost all the petrol stations searching for cheaper fuel as they are always arguing with the petrol attendants on the price. 3: Storytellers_ these ones can talk. They make sure the passengers get to hear all their family history and troubles. 4: Father of all_ these ones are the over loaders. They claim to only want to help others and pack people in the boot. When it’s filled, they share t...